The Ginther Group Real Estate Team

Our Real Estate Team is ready to serve you and your your family in your home search. We will use our knowledge as real estate professionals to help you find a home that fits all of your criteria. We take the time to listen to your individual objectives and create a personalized home buying experience.

Blake Ginther
Blake GintherTeam Leader
Candler Cox
Candler CoxDirector of Agent Development, Broker / Agent
Ty Keating
Ty KeatingBroker In Charge / Agent
Anthony Thomas
Anthony ThomasCoach, Broker / Agent
Alexandra Davis Stevens
Alexandra Davis StevensBroker / Agent
Fatima Herrera
Fatima HerreraBroker / Agent
Kathy Choi-Rogers
Kathy Choi-RogersBroker / Agent
Mary Cates
Mary CatesBroker / Agent
Layne Johnson
Layne JohnsonBroker / Agent
Megan Arispe
Megan ArispeBroker / Agent
Daniel Caudill
Daniel CaudillBroker / Agent
Cesar Hernandez
Cesar HernandezBroker / Agent
Steven Hubler
Steven HublerBroker / Agent
Jelaina Frelitz
Jelaina FrelitzBroker / Agent
Danielle Osborne
Danielle OsborneBroker / Agent

The Ginther Group Real Estate Expansion Partners

Frank Mickens
Frank MickensExpansion Partner
Emily Weems
Emily WeemsExpansion Partner
David Keeter
David KeeterExpansion Partner

The Ginther Group Operations Team

Erin McCulley
Erin McCulleyCOO & Director of Growth
Caite McGuire
Caite McGuireBuyer Transaction Coordinator
Kristen Colfer
Kristen ColferListing Transaction Coordinator
Kasey Cashwell Hamm
Kasey Cashwell HammMarketing Coordinator
Sarah Rosander
Sarah RosanderClient & Community Outreach Coordinator

The Ginther Group Inside Sales Team

Melissa Durant
Melissa Durant Inside Sales Agent
Tiffani Jimenez
Tiffani Jimenez Inside Sales Agent
Emma Lyon-Wilcox
Emma Lyon-Wilcox Inside Sales Agent
Tate Mickey
Tate Mickey Inside Sales Agent

Join The Ginther Group Team

The Ginther Group is looking for talented professionals to join their real estate team. With a proven track record of success and a commitment to excellence, The Ginther Group is a premier real estate firm that sets the standard for service in the industry.

As a member of The Ginther Group team, you will have the opportunity to work alongside experienced agents and gain valuable experience in all aspects of the real estate business, from sales to appraisals to marketing.

With a commitment to training, mentorship, and ongoing growth and development, The Ginther Group is the ideal place to build a successful career in real estate. If you are passionate about the industry and driven to succeed, we invite you to join our team and be part of the success story at The Ginther Group.

Some Words From Our Happy Customers